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Upcoming Events:



The fall meeting will be held on September 11, 2012 starting at 19:00 at the Ottawa Citizen Newspaper Building, 1101 Baxter Road


19:00 Open the meeting - Gordon Richardson

19:15 Presentations

· Winter Packing Demonstration - Ritchie Argue, Arnold Polk

· 2012 Treatment Plan**– Brent Halsall

Please read the OMAFRA recommended treatment prior to coming to the meeting. http://techtransfer.ontariobee.com/index.php?action=display&cat=52&doc=2012-Treatment-Final.pdf

20:30 Break

· Measure your honey using refractometer

Bring a sample of your honey in a jar and you can test the water content.

20:45 Election of officers

20:50 Beekeepers Dialogue- Pegi Holtz - facilitator

· Panel of experienced beekeepers,

· Bring your questions and interesting experiences to share

21:30 Close meeting – Gordon Richardson


EOBA Board

For some time now, our association has been without a Chairperson. A number of volunteers have stepped in to help out but it is now time to have an elected Board to oversee the running of EOBA. David Grey (secretary/treasurer), Juliet Bancroft (newsletter editor and refreshment coordinator) and Pegi Holtz (program committee) have assisted in keeping the organization running. Thankfully there are some additional volunteers (Gordon Richardson, Anne Ladouceur, Ritchie Argue, Mike Keffer, David McGillvray) who have worked hard to prepare for this meeting. Please think about volunteering your time. There will be an election of officers at this meeting.

Fall Round-Up - Please be prepared to introduce yourself, mention your interest in beekeeping, and the location of your apiary (if you have one). This helps us to get to know you a little better.