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This Association was formed on Date Here in the county of County Here and embraced the name, “Eastern Ontario Beekeepers’ Association.” The following are the bylaws of this Association under which this Association shall be conducted, as modified at a General Meeting held Date Here .

ARTICLE 1 – NAME The name of the Association shall be the Eastern Ontario Beekeepers’ Association.

ARTICLE 2 – PURPOSES The purposes of the Eastern Ontario Beekeepers’ Association are to: assist its members and others interested in bees and beekeeping; to assist members with their beekeeping problems; to promote improvement of the beekeeping industry in the Ottawa area; to provide an opportunity for members to meet and discuss their problems; to cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; to promote good marketing practices; to disseminate the latest beekeeping information; to exchange new beekeeping ideas and to educate the public at large.

Section 1 . Any person who resides in the Eastern Ontario and area and who is interested in beekeeping shall be eligible for membership in the Association.
Section 2 . No person may become a member of the Association without payment of membership fees. Any member failing to pay membership fees when due, ceases to be a member.
Section 3 . New members joining during any given year shall pay the annual dues for the calendar year of the association. No dues, no voting privileges.
Section 4 . A membership card shall be issued to each paid-up member. Membership is not transferable.
Section 5 . Honourary memberships shall be valid for one year from date of issuance. Honorary memberships will carry voting privileges. Lifetime memberships may be granted to persons who, in the opinion of the Executive of the Association, have made a significant contribution to this Association.

Section 1 . The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on 1 October and end on the 31st day of September of the following year.
Section 2. The Annual meeting for the Association shall be held in September for the purpose of electing the Executive for the ensuing year.
Section 3 . The new Executive will take office on 1 October following the election.
Section 4 . A Special meeting of the members may be called at any time by a majority of the Executive, whenever they deem the meeting necessary or advisable, for a special purpose.
Section 5 . Each Regular meeting of the Association shall be made known to each member at least five days prior to said meeting. The mailing of newsletters showing agenda, time and place of any meeting shall be considered sufficient notification.
Section 6 . Special meetings shall not transact any business other than that for which it is called and appearing in any written notice calling said meeting.
Section 7 . At the Annual, Regular or Special meetings of the Association, ten members in number shall form a quorum.

Section 1 . The officers of this Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and three to five Directors. One of these Directors shall be from the province of Quebec when possible. This body shall be known as the Executive.
Section 2 . The Executive shall be elected in accordance with the bylaws of this Association.
Section 3 . At any meeting of the Executive, three elected officers shall form a quorum.
Section 4 . The Executive shall have the power to act for and on behalf of this Association, and all grants of monies and funds of the Association shall be received and expended under their direction, subject to the bylaws and regulations of this Association.
Section 5 . The Executive shall appoint all standing committees, subject to the approval of the membership.

Section 1 . The Executive shall direct the business and affairs of the Association and make rules and regulations for the use of its services by its members, consistent with these bylaws.
Section 2 . The President shall: a. Preside over all meetings of the Association and the Executive; b. Call special meetings of the Association and the Executive; c. Perform all acts and duties required of an Executive and Presiding Officer including the appointment of various special committees that may be required for the proper functioning of the Association; d. Require an open vote of the membership for the purpose of obtaining an auditor to audit all books under the jurisdiction of the Secretary/Treasurer; e. Appoint a nominating committee from among the members, which shall consist of three members and the President. Their duties are to submit a slate of nominees for offices for the ensuing term at the Annual Meeting.  Consent must be obtained from the nominees proposed for the office, prior to submitting their names. Nominations may also be made from the floor; however, consent must be obtained from the nominee prior to the nomination.
Section 3 . In the absence of the President, or because of his/her disability or inability to serve, the Vice-President shall perform all duties of the President.
Section 4 . The Secretary/Treasurer shall: a. Notify all members of Regular and Special meetings unless receiving other instructions as to form of notification (such as newsletters); b. Write letters as directed by the President or Executive; c. Keep a complete list of members and their telephone numbers and addresses; d. Notify those members who have not paid their dues and issue membership cards to those who have paid their dues and of whom the Secretary/Treasurer shall issue receipts of such payment; e. Shall keep an accurate and complete record of all meetings of the Association. Read the minutes of each meeting and forward a copy of the same to the President; f. Have custody of all books, papers and records belonging to the Association which he/she shall deliver, when authorized to do so, by resolution of the Executive, to such person or persons as are named in the said resolution; g. Receive and disburse all funds of the Association; h. Sign as Secretary/Treasurer, all cheques and other obligations of the Association, with either the President or Vice-President; i. Keep an accurate account of all the financial transactions of the Association in books belonging to the Association; j. Make a full report of all matters pertaining to this office to the members at the Annual Meeting; k. He/she shall give a copy of the audited financial statement to the President; l. Deposit in a Canadian Chartered Bank or Canadian Financial Institute, of his/her choice, all monies of the Association, in the name of the Association; and m. All officers and employees of the Association, having charge of monies or properties belonging to the Association, shall be compelled to be bonded, when the Association attains bono aide membership of fifty members.
Section 6 . If from any cause a vacancy occurs in the Executive it shall be filled, for the un-expired term, by Executive appointment from among the membership of the Association.
Section 7 . At any meeting of the Association, when there is an equality of votes, the President shall have a casting vote.
Section 8 . The Directors shall: a. Represent if possible different parts of the Upper Ottawa Valley; b. Be able to attend meetings at various levels; and c. Head various committees and the Executive will decide duties.

ARTICLE 7 – FEES Membership fees shall be reviewed and determined at each Annual Meeting.  Membership fees shall be payable on or before the 30th day of September to cover the ensuing year.

Section 1 . The members shall, from among the members of the Association, elect an executive consisting of three members annually.
Section 2 . Officers whose terms have expired shall be eligible for re-election

ARTICLE 9 – NON PROFIT The Association shall be operated on a non-profit basis and monetary surpluses, if any, upon dissolution of this Association shall be paid to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to further studies and research into beekeeping in the Ottawa Area.

ARTICLE 10 – RESTRICTIONS OF TRANSACTIONS Neither the Association, nor any of its members shall enter into any agreement or contract, to purchase or otherwise acquire any goods or services on behalf of the Association, without prior consent of he Executive. Any persons contravening this practice shall be solely responsible for and liable for any obligations so incurred.

Section 1 . The terms of this constitution may be amended at the Annual Meeting or a Special meeting, by a two-third majority of the members present in the affirmative.
Section 2 . Notice of such amendments must be contained in the notice calling said meeting.

ARTICLE 12 – AMENDMENTS OF BYLAWS A bylaw may be amended by a simple majority vote